Current Year’s Projects


Ongoing mobility programs between France and Finland are available in the table below. Feel free to find out more about the scientific and academic projects and the researchers who conducted them.

You can learn more about current projects by clicking on the project’s name, or on the “View” button. You can also use the search bar. If you would like to do a double search, please enter the desired terms in the search bar without punctuation (e.g. if you are looking for projects regarding Engineering and Environment, enter: engineering environment).

For further information about the programs between France and Finland, you can check them here


YearCountriesProjectResearch TopicFrench InstitutionNordic InstitutionFrench ResearcherNordic Researcher
2023Low complexity Geometric tilingsNormandie Université – Université de CaenUniversity of TurkuVictor LutfallaPyry Herva, Jarkko KariView
2023BIOISLANDOcean and Earth SciencesINRAEUniversity of HelsinkiAurélien JamoneauJanne SoininenView
2023Perspectives in advanced Light Microscopy and Master’s degrees (PLMM) WorkshopMedical imaging, quality assessment and microscopyUniversity of RouenUniversity of Turku and Åbo Akademi UniversityGalas Ludovic, Burel DelphineKari Vienola, Diana Toivola, Pylvänäinen Joanna, Kronström RailiView
2023Aura SymposiumGeography, Biology, GeologyTampere University and Åbo Akademi UniversityNina Cossin-SéverinProf. Jan-Åke Nilsson, Dr Tom Jilbert, Dr Laura Kauppi, Prof. Ari LehtinenView
2023Research Cooperation Visit to LNE ParisEngineeringLaboratoire national de métrologie et d’essaisAalto University School EngineeringHichem NouiraTuomas TiainenView
2023Holistic approaches of circularitySustainability ScienceCERDI (Clermont Auvergne University / CNRS / IRD) – European centre for Excellence on SustainabilitySitra, University of Helsinki, HelSus, Luke, Syke, University of LaplandMathieu LeporiniView
2023Additive manufacturing : Optimization of process and industrializationEngineeringEcole Nationale d’Ingénieurs of TarbesTampere UniversityJulien CombettesEric CoataneaView
2023Why do genes matter for inequality in (mental) health and socioeconomic attainment?SociogeneticsEcole Nationale de la Statistique et de L’administration ´ Economique ENSAE, Paristech; Center for Research in Economics and Statistic, CRESTFinnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Welfare State Research and Reform, Social SustainabilityFelix TropfMaria VaalavuuoView
2023Perspectives in advanced Light Microscopy and Master’s degreesBiologyUniversity of Rouen, INSERMÅbo Akademi University University of TurkuLudovic Galas and Delphine BurelDiana Toivola and Kari VienolaView
2023High-tech in chemical reaction engineeringChemistryNormandie Université, INSA-Rouen, Laboratoire de Sécurité des Procédés Chimiques (LSPC)Abo Akademy UniversitySebastien LeveneurTapio SalmiView
2023Multiraciality or métissage in the context of New CaledoniaSocial SciencesUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis, Department of Education, Department of Gender Studies, LEGS (laboratoire d’études de genre et de sexualité) CNRS – Paris 8 – Paris NanterreÅbo Akademi University, Gender Studies department, Minority Research ProfileNacira GuerifAnaïs Duong-PedicaView
2023Torsion and distortion in automorphism groups of subshiftsInformaticsUniversité de Caen Normandie, Computer Science Department, GREYC labUniversity of Turku, Department of Mathematics and StatisticsLéo Paviet SalomonVille SaloView
2023Equality and justice in educationSocial SciencesSciences Po, Centre de Recherche sur les lnégalités Sociales (CRIS)University of Turku, Department of Education, Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning and Education (CELE)Agnès Van ZantenUlpukka Isopahkala-BouretView
2023Objective liability in international lawLawUniversity of Strasbourg, Fédération de recherche l’Europe en Mutation, Centre d’Etudes Internationales et Européennes (CEIE)Helsinki University, Faculty of law, Erik Castrén InstituteAli Sharifi RayeniMartti KoskenniemiView
2023Greenland ice sheet stabilization through the construction of undersea curtainsOcean and Earth SciencesUniversité de Versailles – Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Université Paris-Saclay, Laboratory LATMOSUniversity of Lapland, Arctic CentreAlbert Van WijngaardenJohn MooreView
2023Theory and application of fractional Brownian motion kernels to GP regression and probabilistic numericsMathematicsEurécom, Data Science DepartmentUniversity of Helsinki, Department of Mathematics and StatisticsMotonobu KanagawaToni KarvonenView
2023Multilingualism and development of inclusive multilingual education in Senegal and FinlandEducationUniversité Paris Cité, EDAUniversity of Helsinki, Department of languagesCaroline JuillardFriederike LüpkeView
2023Sami landscape in the Arctic locality of InariCulture and MediaL’INSTITUT AGRO, Pôle Paysage – High School of Landscape, UMR Espaces et Sociétés (ESO)University of Oulu, Cultural GeographyFabienne JolietThora HerrmannView
2023Syk regulation by integrins and non-hematopoietic ITAM motif-containing proteinsBiologyINSERM, University of Montpellier, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute (IRCM)University of Jyväskylä, Department of chemistryPeter CoopmanLina AntenucciView
2023Active participation in the Music Education Doctoral Seminar at the Sibelius AcademyEducationConservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Lyon, MuTri Doctoral SchoolUniversity of the Arts HelsinkiMartin GalmicheDanielle TreacyView
2023Baltic and Mediterranean maritime trade and science networks, 18thb centuryHumanitiesEnlightenment of interconnected “worlds” – Early Modern HistoryUniversity of Turku, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies, Finnish HistoryPierre-Yves BeaurepaireCharlotta WoolfView
2023Spatial patterns in fresh water biodiversityBiogeography and ecologyINRAEUniversity of Helsinki, Aquatic Community Ecology groupAurelien JamoneauJanne SOININENView