Ph.D. Cotutelle grant funded by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

PhD cotutelle grant within the framework of the Maupertuis program is open for application in one of the fields of science supported by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation (Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry and Medical chemistry).
Objectives :
Thesis cotutelle is a mechanism that promotes mobility of a doctoral student while encouraging scientific cooperation between a French and a foreign research team. Candidates conduct their research under the oversight of, and with guidance from, a dissertation adviser from each of the two countries involved in the program. Working jointly, both advisers provide a full measure of supervision for the candidate.
The candidate conducts his research in the two countries under the terms of the agreement governing the program.
How it works :
Cotutelle operates under the terms of an agreement between two institutions, one of which must be French. The rules and procedures are the same as those of French doctoral programs and doctoral programs within the foreign university. The two universities recognize the validity of the joint supervision and of the degree awarded to successful candidates —a doctoral degree from the French institution and an equivalent degree from the foreign university. There are two possibilities for the granting of the degree:
- The successful candidate may receive a single Doctoral Degree conferred jointly by the two institutions. The diploma will carry the name of the degree in two languages. (For example, Doctorat en littérature française and PhD in French literature).
- The candidate may receive two separate degrees, one from each institution. In this case, each diploma will bear the name of the degree issued by that institution, will mention that the dissertation has been jointly supervised and will specify the name of the partner university.
In both cases, the dissertation is defended in just one of the institutions participating in the joint supervision agreement, as determined by the two research advisers.
Grant :
The program is funded by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation (the grant to the student, 24 000 euros and a contribution towards travel costs, around 2 000 euros) per year for three to four years, the time it takes to complete the PhD-degree. The extra costs involved for the student, when he/she spends time in the other institution will be covered with French money.
Your research plan should include a few sentences about the additional benefits of the cotutelle program to your research and a statement on why you are interested in doing the cotutelle. A letter of recommendation from both the Finnish and the French thesis supervisors must be included with the application.
Who can apply:
The program is open to candidates from both Finnish and French universities.
When to apply:
The application process is open every year from mid-October until the end of November.
Where to apply:
Applications are made using the grant application system of the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation. For more information, please visit the site here.